What is a gentleman?
Maybe you're thinking about men who dress in expensive suits, ride a horse, or sport a monocle.
If so, it's time to rethink your idea of the modern gentleman. Learning about them and incorporating modern gentleman traits into your life is easier than you think.
Keep reading to learn how to be a gentleman in the twenty-first century.
1. He Knows How to Treat a Lady
Only playboys treat women like objects. Whether she's a romantic interest, his mother, or a stranger who's lost her scarf in the wind, a modern gentleman treats all women with respect.
When he's pursuing a woman, he pays on the first date and calls afterwards to make her she got home safely. He opens doors, sends flowers, and doesn't play games.
He makes his intentions clear for the relationship and doesn't push her boundaries.
2. He Dresses Like a Man
Despite what our grandfathers did in the past, you don't have to wear suits every day to be a modern gentleman. Whether the occasion is casual or dressy, modern gentlemen always look polished.
He wears clothes that fit well, are in good condition, and are regularly washed. He practices good hygiene and is meticulous about how he presents himself.
This does not mean, however, that he spends an inordinate amount of money on clothes and cosmetics. Fiscal responsibility is one of the most important modern gentleman characteristics.
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3. His Confidence Speaks for Itself
A modern gentleman doesn't go around telling everyone how confident he is. He doesn't brag about his accomplishments or talk over others. Rather, he has a spirit of humility.
He doesn't need to speak to convey his confidence. His drive, his accomplishments, and his placid demeanour speak for themselves.
Because of these modern gentleman traits, he has earned the respect of those around him. People look to him for inspiration and guidance on how to be a gentleman.
4. He's Ambitious
Ambition is one of the greatest modern gentleman characteristics.
This kind of man knows what he wants and goes after it. Whether it's a woman or a promotion he's asking for, he knows how to communicate in clear terms.
He accomplishes this by being both polite and direct. He wants to reach his goals not for his own glory, but for the furtherment of the greater good.
5. He Has Self Control
The modern gentleman knows how to resist his vices. He does nothing in excess and does not over-indulge.
This goes not only for food and drink but money and relationships, too. He enjoys the company of friends but does not sap them of their resources. He gives what he is capable of giving while knowing how to self-preserve.
Becoming a Modern Gentleman
Learning how to be a gentleman doesn't mean flaunting your wealth and success. Rather, modern gentleman characteristics have more to do with how you carry yourself.
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