Epsiode 2 - Why You Need To Be H.I.T
Our second episode on the Two Bold Gentleman talks about Marc Rowley and his business H.I.T Leadership. We talk about what H.I.T stands for, the values and what's it about and ultimately how H.I.T leadership can help you and your business to achieve more growth!
To find out more about H.I.T Leadership visit the website here.
Apologies in the advance the quality of this one wasn't the best partly due to the internet connection while we was recording. Not to fret however, we've managed to improve it for the next one!
An introduction to the Two Bold Gentlemen Podcast
Our first podcast episode is now up!
Episode 1 introduces our aims and goals with this podcast series. We aim to inspire gentlemen to become a better version of themselves, including ourselves along the way too!
This podcast series is a collaboration between The Modern Gentleman and H.I.T Leadership and we're excited to launch our first episode!

Want to feature on our podcast?
Get in touch below and tell us a bit about yourself and what you would like to talk about, and we'll get in touch.
We look for guests who can give a talk that will give value and make the listeners a better version of themselves after listening.
Our audience is men between the ages for 23 and 60, who want to achieve, aspire and be a better gentleman in society.