Did you know that 1/3 of men have admitted to skipping an event because they didn't feel they had the right thing to wear? Style matters and the modern gentleman understands that his style says a lot about who he is.
But, how do you craft the perfect image with so many choices? It can be challenging, especially if fashion isn't necessarily your forte.
One thing you might want to consider is hiring an image consultant. Keep reading to learn what an image consultant does and how hiring one can benefit modern gentlemen.
What an Image Consultant Does
An image consultant helps a customer make fashion choices. However, they don't offer opinions. An image consultant doesn't say whether you should wear a black or a navy shirt.
But they will present you with an infinite number of options so that you can make that decision yourself. Image consultants can also work with you on your hair, makeup, and nails to overall help you achieve your desired look.
The Benefits of Hiring an Image Consultant
There are a variety of benefits to hiring an image consultant. We list some of the biggest benefits below.
Choose the Right Outfit for the Occasion
The most obvious one is a need for help in creating the perfect image for a specific occasion. For example, if you are going to a wedding and need to dress up, then you might hire a fashion consultant.
Likewise, if you are going to a funeral, then you might consider hiring an image consultant who can help you choose the right clothes for the occasion. Around 48 per cent of men admit that they struggle with knowing what to wear to a funeral.
Maximize Your Style for Business
Another fantastic way to use an image consultant is to help maximize your style for business. For example, a consultant can help you to choose clothing that is both professional and more suitable for you, your specific body type and your business.
In fact, many Fortune 500 companies actually have image consultants on staff to help their employees create the best image for their company's brand.
Craft a Look That's 100 Percent You
If you are not a dressy person, formal wear might not be your thing. However, you might need to attend a special event that's very formal, such as a wedding.
By hiring an image consultant, you will get to choose exactly how you want to look based on your own personal style but still look appropriate for the occasion.
Go Beyond Just Clothes
An image consultant can help you with more than just your clothes. They can help you with hairstyling tips. Whether you want your hair or beard to look great for the next occasion, you can be confident when you walk out the door because of the tips you get from a consultant.
Modern Gentleman: Where Style Meets Class
Looking great is about more than the clothes you wear. If you struggle to know how to put your look together, hiring an image consultant can help.
Are you looking for ways to keep your hair and beard looking great? Start shopping with The Modern Gentleman today for quality products that will leave you looking suave.